Whether you are an experienced marketer or a newbie marketing enthusiast, you must keep the windows of your mind open at all times to capture even the slightest of ideas that come your way. There is no such thing as having too much on your plate. If you want to be successful and outrank your competitors, you need to keep an eye on what other top marketers are saying.
The ideal option is to read books published by skilled marketers who have shed light on what it takes to develop persuasive and compelling content that will entice people to return to your product or service time and time again skyrocketing your business growth. This way you will get to educate yourself about the concepts of marketing, user behaviour, and psychology behind each sale of your product.
The list of such marketing books is long, but we’ve narrowed it down to the top eight in this post. So please take a look at it.
Contagious: Why Things Catch on by Jonah Berger
Aristotle had no interest in online content while pondering what makes a speech so engaging and powerful. Still, he did offer Jonah Berger a notion with which he prepared an effective study about creating persuasive viral content.
Contagious: Why things catch on’ explains a total of 6 principles that make your online video, ad or any other content infectious to other people.
- Social Currency: People only talk about things that portray them in a favourable light.
- Triggers: discuss things that are always on your mind.
- Ease for Emotion: ‘Sharing is caring,’ as the saying goes. When we come across both physically and emotionally moving information, we are obliged to share it with others.
- Public: We tend to imitate what other people are doing.
- Practical Value: We share information that adds value to other people’s lives.
- Stories: we share information that is bound in narratives and stories.
People are more likely to communicate about and share content with emotional, ethical, and logical appeal.
Permission Marketing: Turning Strangers into Friends and Friends into Customers by Seth Godin
Learn how to drive your clients to your business without having to follow them down by reading Seth Godin’s classic book, Permission Marketing. He explains why permission marketing is better than outbound marketing, also known as interruption marketing.
The book explains a total of five steps involved in the whole process of permission marketing, where you convert a stranger into your most loyal customer.
The steps go like this:
- Provide an incentive to your lead so that they would give you their contact information as a business authorization to assist them more.
- Win their trust in your business by providing them with a curriculum that contains insights about your product and service.
- Constantly offer value to your prospects and ensure they maintain their permission.
- Additional incentives will guarantee you a few extra permission points from your customers.
- Use their permission and shift the customer behaviour to add profit to your business.
Building a Story Brand: Clarify Your Message, So Customers Will Listen by Donald Miller

Donald Miller, a New York Times bestselling author, has not let us down with this masterpiece, highlighting some universal principles that help businesses connect with their customers and increase profits.
The seven phenomenal ideas that the whole book is based on are as follows:
- Always make your customer the protagonist of your story, not the brand.
- Customers are always looking for solutions to their internal issues rather than external issues.
- Customers seek a guide who can help them solve their problems, not a hero.
- Your customer’s top priority is a guide that has a plan.
- Your clients will respond if you challenge them.
- No one wants their narrative to come to a tragic conclusion.
- Don’t assume they understand your brand; instead, tell them how your brand has the power to transform their life.
This book will assist you in creating compelling content for your business that will entice a large number of people to rush out and buy your product or service.
This Is Marketing: You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn to See by Seth Godin
This book is yet another masterpiece by Seth Godin, in which he teaches how to market effectively. It argues why developing a product or service is significantly easier than looking for clients who want the same service or product.
It explains marketing in these five steps:
- First step: create something worthy with a story to tell and a contribution.
- Second step: design your service in such a way that few people genuinely benefit from it.
- Third step: present a story consistent with the aspirations of your smallest feasible market.
- Fourth step: get your brand’s message out. Spread it like wildfires and make sure it never stops.
- Fifth step: show up regularly to instill brand loyalty in your customers’ minds.
Do you want to know the best part about this book? It is also available in audio format. So if you are no big fan of reading, the audiobook is easily accessible to you all.
Hacking Growth by Sean Ellis
No single business became a superpower in a single day; every brand, including the most well-known, such as Uber and Pinterest, had a shaky beginning. To get to where they are now, all of these brands and businesses followed a set of rules, and the methodology they followed is known as growth hacking. In this book by Sean Ellis, you will update your knowledge on building and implementing a customized growth hacking plan.
Hacking growth covers four stages of growth:
- Create a multi-functional growth team with a different range of skills.
- Discover your product’s essential value, and for whom this is a must-have.
- Examine your business’s growth levers.
- Adapt the growth-hacking cycle, which comprises data analysis, idea generation, experiment prioritizing, and execution.
This book, accessible in audio format, discusses an unconventional approach that will push your business to new heights.
Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products by Nir Eyal
This book is a fascinating read that can help marketers finally understand the art of driving conversions. In addition, it is a gem for entrepreneurs looking for habit-forming products.
It highlighted the various attributes that will keep clients coming back to your service:
- With habit-forming products, create spontaneous consumer engagement.
- Both external and internal triggers initiate the user behaviour.
- Rewards encourage customers to take action.
- With variable awards, you can maintain the customer’s attention.
- In the end, the customer investment phase encourages them to reciprocate their actions.
Read more about this hook model to better understand customer behaviour.
Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content by Ann Handley
This book is the go-to guide that will show you how to use the art of great online communication to attract and retain customers. In addition, Ann Hadley offers you some insights on creating and publishing effective content that drives results towards your business.
The sessions of this book include,
- Ways to write the most engaging content.
- Learn about the basic grammatical rules in the most fun way.
- Empathy is the key here. Try to be true with your audience.
- Use some journalism tactics and create credible and trustworthy content.
- Read about the 17 different types of content that the marketers are entrusted with creating.
- Discover the finest tools for compelling content creation.
Learn the art of creating great content from this piece and become one of the smartest businessmen in the world.
What Customers Crave by Nicholas J. Webb
In this book, Webb despises traditional marketing methods and shows why switching to a new, more giving approach is critical for successful business growth. In addition, it emphasizes the significance of offering value to your customers to build customer loyalty.
The book explains five stages of turning a dissatisfied customer into a loyal customer.
- Recognize your customer’s issue.
- Before providing your solutions, try to pay attention to what your customer is saying.
- To ensure that you grasp the customer’s complaint, repeat it back to them.
- After identifying the issue, it’s time to propose a viable remedy.
- Follow up to ensure that the consumer is completely satisfied.
It is a comprehensive handbook that explains what your customer wants.
It’s a Wrap:
A marketing book is your loyal friend who will only offer you the best advice to succeed in your life. You can learn from the wisdom of professionals who have travelled down the same path as you by reading a marketing book published by them. The books listed above will provide you with invaluable information on various marketing methods that will never fail you down. These fantastic books can aid you in completing your massive business endeavour.
Take some time out of your hectic schedule to read through them.